Isha will be delayed on Thursday night due to the weekly program.
  • Fajr: 06:16 AM
  • Maghrib: 07:37 PM (214) 778-1610

Qazi in Nikah


Assalamaliakumwarehmatulla hi wabarakatahu.
Nikah mey do gawah.
Theek hai.
Is it mandatory that there has to be a Qazi to perform the Nikah?
Can one of the Gawah be the Qazi?
Can the groom himself read / perform the Nikah?
Please answer


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

In principle, Nikah is valid when the proposal and acceptance statements are exchanged in the presence of two witnesses. To have a third person conduct the Nikah is not a necessary component for the validity of Nikah. [1]

Although the Nikah is valid without a third person, it is preferred that a pious person aware of the laws of Nikah should conduct the Nikah.[2]

Note: A Nikah should not be performed secretly. Rather it should be announced and performed in the Masjid.[3]

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

(Mufti) Abdul Azeem bin Abdur Rahman




The Shar’a ruling herein given is based specifically on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question.


Darul Iftaa Texas bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer and is being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused.


This answer may not be used as evidence in any Court of Law without prior written consent of Darul Iftaa Texas.


[1]  (وَيَنْعَقِدُ) مُتَلَبِّسًا (بِإِيجَابٍ) مِنْ أَحَدِهِمَا (وَقَبُولٍ) مِنْ الْآخِرِ (الدر المختار، ج 3، ص 9، سعيد)

فتاوى محمودية، ج 10، ص 589، فاروقيّة



[2]  وَيُنْدَبُ إعْلَانُهُ وَتَقْدِيمُ خُطْبَةٍ وَكَوْنُهُ فِي مَسْجِدِ يَوْمِ جُمُعَةٍ بِعَاقِدٍ رَشِيدٍ وَشُهُودٍ عُدُولٍ (الدر المختار، ج 3، ص 8، سعيد)

فتاوى محمودية، ج 10، ص 594 فاروقيّة

فتاوى محمودية، ج 10، ص 596-597 فاروقيّة




[3]  وَيُنْدَبُ إعْلَانُهُ وَتَقْدِيمُ خُطْبَةٍ وَكَوْنُهُ فِي مَسْجِدِ يَوْمِ جُمُعَةٍ بِعَاقِدٍ رَشِيدٍ وَشُهُودٍ عُدُولٍ (الدر المختار، ج 3، ص 8، سعيد)

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