Isha will be delayed on Thursday night due to the weekly program.
  • Fajr: 06:16 AM
  • Maghrib: 07:37 PM (214) 778-1610

Brown discharge (Ma’dhur)


Asalam Alikum W Rahmatul Allah W Barakatuhu
I am a man 60 years old. I have a colon disease or it could be hemorrhoids , I ALWAYS ALWAYS see brown color discharge in my underwear

After using the restroom I make sure to do proper ISNTINJA but no matter what I do I still get brown color discharge due the disease which I have ( it may be hemorrhoids or colon cancer) .

Is my salat void due to this discharge ?

I do not to have a doctor inspect my private but I want to make sure to do EVERTHING I can to complete TAHARA before sate.

Jazak Allah khair



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Due to the brown discharge, if you are unable to keep your Wudhū for one complete Salāh time, such that you are unable to perform Wudhu and perform Salāh without invalidating Wudhu, then you are classified as a Ma’dhūr (one who is excused).[1] You will then remain a Ma’dhūr as long as the excuse occurs at least once during every Salāh time thereafter.[2] As soon as a complete Salāh time passes without the excuse occurring even one time, then you will no longer be considered a Ma’dhūr.[3]


A Ma’dhūr is required to renew Wudhu only upon the termination of a Salāh time.[4] For example, if one is Madhūr due to continuous bleeding and he performs Wudhu for Dhuhr Salāh, he will be in a state of Wudhu until the time of Dhuhr terminates, even if he bleeds in the time of Dhuhr.


However, if a reason other than the one that classified him as Ma’dhūr transpires, then Wudhu will be invalidated. For example, if the Ma’dhūr in the above example passes wind before Dhuhr Salāh time elapses, his Wudhū will be invalidated.[5]


An easy method to ascertain whether you are classified as Ma’dhūr is to examine yourself in the time between Asr and Maghrib Salāh, since it is generally the shortest duration of a Salāh time. If in that time span, you are unable to perform Wudhu and perform Asr Salāh due to the brown discharge, you are classified as Ma’dhūr and the abovementioned concessions will apply.


With regards to the brown discharge on your clothing, if you wash the brown discharge, it will appear on your clothing again before you are able to complete your Salah, then it is not necessary to wash off the discharge. In this case, the Salah will be valid with the discharge.[6]


And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

(Mufti) Abdul Azeem bin Abdur Rahman


Checked and Approved by,

My Esteemed Ustadh Mufti Husain Kadodia Saheb Hafidhahullah




The Shar’a ruling herein given is based specifically on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question.


Darul Iftaa Texas bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer and is being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused.


This answer may not be used as evidence in any Court of Law without prior written consent of Darul Iftaa Texas.



[1]  ولا يصير معذورا حتى يستوعبه العذر وقتا كاملا ليس فيه انقطاع بقدر الوضوء والصلاة. وهذا شرط ثبوته. (نور الإيضاح،  باب الحيض والنفاس والاستحاضة)

فتاوى محمودية، ج 7، ص 547-548، فاروقية


[2]  وشرط دوامه وجوده في كل وقت بعد ذلك ولو مرة. (نور الإيضاح،  باب الحيض والنفاس والاستحاضة)

فتاوى محمودية، ج 7، ص 547-548، فاروقية


[3]  وشرط انقطاعه وخروج صاحبه عن كونه معذورا خلو وقت كامل عنه. (نور الإيضاح،  باب الحيض والنفاس والاستحاضة)

فتاوى محمودية، ج 7، ص 547-548، فاروقية


[4]  ويبطل وضوء المعذورين بخروج الوقت فقط (نور الإيضاح،  باب الحيض والنفاس والاستحاضة)

فتاوى محمودية، ج 7، ص 547-548، فاروقية


[5]   “ويبطل وضوء المعذورين” إذا لم يطرأ ناقض غير العذر “بخروج الوقت” (مراقى الفلاح، باب الحيض والنفاس والاستحاضة)

فتاوى محمودية، ج 7، ص 547-548، فاروقية


[6]  (وَإِنْ سَالَ عَلَى ثَوْبِهِ) فَوْقَ الدِّرْهَمِ (جَازَ لَهُ أَنْ لَا يَغْسِلَهُ إنْ كَانَ لَوْ غَسَلَهُ تَنَجَّسَ قَبْلَ الْفَرَاغِ مِنْهَا) أَيْ: الصَّلَاةِ (وَإِلَّا) يَتَنَجَّسْ قَبْلَ فَرَاغِهِ (فَلَا) يَجُوزُ تَرْكُ غَسْلِهِ، هُوَ الْمُخْتَارُ لِلْفَتْوَى، (الدر المختار، ج 1، ص 306، سعيد)

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