Author: Adminm
Qazi in Nikah
Question: Assalamaliakumwarehmatulla hi wabarakatahu. Nikah mey do gawah. Theek hai. Is it mandatory that there has to be a Qazi to perform the Nikah? Can one of the Gawah be the Qazi? Can the groom himself read / perform the Nikah? Please answer Answer: In the Name of Allah, the...
Continue ReadingAre 401K Plans permissible?
Question: Assalamoalikum I wanted to ask if putting money in the 401K offered by Employer here is Texas is Halal? I heard 401k can be from stocks in beer, gambling companies ect. but I don't have access to where they invest. So in general is putting money in 401k halal...
Continue ReadingHelping the Blind of the opposite gender
Question: Assalamualaikum. I had question regarding helping disabled people such as the blind. If they are going the wrong way or need help then can the opposite gender assist them? They usually need to hold your arm to guide them. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the...
Continue ReadingStatement of Kufr
Question: Assalamo alaikum My wife is a reverted muslim but lately she has been saying strange things. the other day during an argument where she kept calling me that this is how YOU muslims do and i didn't learn anything new in islam, i was better before being muslim. etc Question is,...
Continue ReadingEating Chicken from Supermarkets
Question: I had an ambiguity regarding the use of chicken in usa. I have not heard from any imam from iant IMAM or from other masajid directly,but people who are residing in here since long they perceive that chicken sold on any store or market originates from the same slaughter...
Continue ReadingI.T Technician Job
Question: Assalamualikum Mufti Sahab, JazakaAllahu Khair for taking my question, I would like to ask you if it is OK to work in IT for a Payment Processing Company that delivers credit/debit/prepaid card processing, payroll, check management and payments solutions, to more than 250,000 business locations nationwide. More information about...
Continue ReadingAccepting food invitation from haram income
Question: Assalamwalikum, I have read that if you are going to a family member's house and you know their income is haram, take a gift with the intention of paying for the food you will be eating. I was wondering if the same scenario is applied if the family member's...
Continue ReadingRuling on baby showers/bridal showers
Question: 1. Many people in my family celebrate baby showers and bridal showers following the American culture. They play the typical games and sometimes play music. I tried explaining to them that in Islam we celebrate a baby through an Aqiqa and a wedding through nikkah and waliam but they...
Continue ReadingGiving Zakah to one’s step-daughter
Question: Assalam alikum Can a man give some of zakat money to his step daughter (wife's daughter) who lives in the same house to use towards college fees. She does not work and has no savings? Since she does not inherit him. Thank you Answer: In the Name of Allah,...
Continue ReadingReceiving interest or bribe money while selling goods or services
Question: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Respected Ulama-e-Keram As Salamu Alaikum Oa Rahmatullah I wهll be very grateful if you respond to my following query. (1) If someone receives interest or bribe money from buyer while selling goods or services will it be permissible for him (a) when the buyer owns the...
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