Iqama timing might be few minutes delayed due to some Amal.
  • Fajr: 05:55 AM
  • Maghrib: 07:47 PM (469) 870-6020

Zabiha Halal

Assalamu ‘Alaykum wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakatuh.

The Islamic Association of Arabi and Masjid Yaseen is happy to announce its affiliation with Halal Montoring Service (HMS), a branch of Shariah Board of America (Rahmat-e-Alam Foundation).

HMS has been working hard since its inception to create an increased awareness in the general public about the importance of eating Halal. HMS also works with Muslim businesses in acquiring certified and monitored hand-slaughtered Halal meat throughout the US.

In the state of Texas, IAA has appointed Shaykh Zaid Hadi who will be working hand in hand with HMS in monitoring and certifying businesses.

Insha’Allah, we will be updating our website with a list of certified Muslim businesses, meat markets, and restaurants in the Dallas Metroplex, and throughout the state of Texas.

Until then, please visit the HMS website for a current list of certified businesses:

*Why independent Halal monitoring is a must*

1. The “Halal” label in US is in control of the for profit certifiers, see how in one instance, even pork was marked as halal, in other words, *halal and halal zabiha* labels are not regulated or audited independently by an organization who does not have a business relationship with the certified.

2. A certifier who does not make money from the certified entities in order to audit them, without any conflict of interest, is what is needed to resolve such issues.

3. Alhumdulillah we have *Halal Monitoring Services (HMS)* of Shariah Board of America now in *Greater Dallas* area as well, providing free of cost certification and monitoring services to businesses who are interested in getting certified.

4. Alhumdulillah, Shariah Board has been working for almost 22 years in providing Islamic Social Services to the Muslim community across the US. HMS now has certified entities in 23 US states and Canada, these entities include a total of *250+* Slaughter Houses, Processors, Distributors, Meat Shops and Restaurants.

5. Alhumdulillah, HMS believes in supply chain monitoring and certification and only certifies a meat shop or restaurant if they procure all their meats and poultry from HMS certified distributors, processors and slaughter houses.

To review a full list of HMS certified establishments please visit

For getting certified, please email your application to and, applications can be found at

For more details about HMS process etc. please visit

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